January 24, 2024

Digital Equity: Closing the Gap for Older Workers

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the digital divide has become a significant challenge, hindering equal access and opportunities for various demographic groups. According to the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, this gap exists between those who have affordable access, skills, and support to effectively engage online and those who do not. It disproportionately affects people of color, Indigenous peoples, households with low incomes, people with disabilities, individuals in rural areas, and older adults.


Current State of Affairs:

Today, a staggering 42% of older Americans, nearly 22 million individuals, lack broadband access at home. This deficiency in digital connectivity is even more pronounced among older Black and Latinx adults, who are 2.5 and 3.3 times more likely to be without this vital service. As the world becomes more reliant on digital platforms for essential services and information, addressing this digital divide is not just a matter of technological inclusion; it is a crucial step towards ensuring equal opportunities and access to resources for all segments of the population.

The Importance of Digital Inclusion:

In today’s job market, where 92% of roles demand digital proficiency, individuals with just one digital skill earn 23% more, and transitioning to three skills can boost your income by an average of 45%. In addition, as of 2023, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, while 28.2% work a hybrid model. That makes digital skills not only essential, but also pivotal for adapting to the evolving dynamics of the modern workplace.

Defining Digital Inclusion:

Digital Inclusion, as defined by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance, encompasses five key elements:

  1. Affordable, Robust Broadband Internet Service: Ensuring that individuals and communities, particularly those who are disadvantaged, have access to reliable and reasonably priced broadband internet.
  2. Internet-Enabled Devices: Providing access to devices that meet the specific needs of users, fostering inclusivity in the digital sphere.
  3. Digital Literacy Training: Offering access to training programs that empower individuals to navigate and utilize digital technologies effectively.
  4. Quality Technical Support: Establishing support systems to address technical challenges, ensuring users can make the most of digital resources.
  5. Applications and Online Content: Designing online content that promotes self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration, enhancing the overall digital experience.

The Digital Certification Program (DCP) by CWI Labs

Happy senior woman sitting at a table in her home office, drafting her last will and testament in a journal and taking care to allocate her assets. Retired woman leaving a plan in place for the future.

In response to the pressing need for digital inclusion among older workers, CWI Labs has launched the Digital Certification Program (DCP). This initiative is based on harnessing data-driven solutions to empower job seekers for success in the modern workplace while actively combating ageism.

DCP is not just another training program; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to address the unique challenges faced by older workers. It goes beyond technology platforms, incorporating industry best practices. And a curriculum that emphasizes not only technical skills, but also provides opportunities to practice digital skills in an environment that simulates remote work, making those opportunities a much more realistic aspiration for our older job seekers.

One key aspect of DCP is its deliberate effort to dispel ageist stereotypes. By directly refuting the myths that older workers are not digitally savvy or unwilling to learn new skills, the program equips participants with in-demand skills, offering a tangible means to showcase their capabilities to potential employers through recently earned, skill-tested Digital Certifications.

What sets DCP apart is its tailored approach to meet the specific needs of older job seekers in low-income households. Beyond providing cutting-edge training, participants receive essential equipment and internet access, ensuring that economic barriers do not hinder their progress.

Central to DCP’s success is the inclusion of a dedicated team of Digital Navigators. These specially trained professionals offer personalized one-on-one coaching, support, and encouragement throughout the program. This individualized approach ensures that each participant’s journey is not only enriching but also tailored to their unique needs, making the DCP experience both empowering and rewarding. CWI Labs is actively contributing to closing the digital divide for older workers, fostering a future where age is not a barrier but a valuable asset in the workforce.

Learn more about DCP